Dogs live in the here and now and that is exactly their strength.
The dogs don't care what you have done so far, who you know or what you have. They judge you, who you are NOW, who you are in front of them, every day over again. They sense our energy and are masters at reading our body language, nothing escapes them. That's why a harmonious relationship is very important for them because your dog can tell exactly whether you are happy and content or whether you are under stress.
How does your dog communicate with you: On the one hand through his body language, on the other hand through sounds. One characteristic that tells us about your dog's mood is his general body tension. In addition, specific physical components must be evaluated in relation to the others and the situation, but a dog can communicate through sounds and physical cues. Some do this quite clearly and versatilely, while others do not. In addition to barking, your dog has a variety of ways to express himself. So with me as a skilled dog therapist, I can show you your dog's expressions better, so that no more misunderstandings can arise in communication.
It is important that we learn to observe our dog and interpret his behaviour correctly. It needs a good observation, that must also be learned. Here we can philosophize a lot about it, but a balanced dog is definitely more relaxed and that also contributes to health. Here we can also look together! The dog’s wellness and a healthy dog life balance just depend on many different factors. For example, a soft pet carrier or a nice wool pet blanket helps to make him feel safe. simply healthy!
*A dog-life-balance work is an addition! We will find out together what you and your dog needs to be simply healthy*